Did you know that Tong Tong published a book?
Worried by the trend of Chinese Singapore children becoming increasingly disinterested in Chinese culture and disconnected from their heritage, Tong Tong and a team of passionate Chinese culturepreneurs created an innovative Chinese picture book aimed at primary school-aged kids: "过新年咯!彤彤与小小的过年手册 (It's New Year! Tong Tong & Xiao Xiao's Chinese New Year Handbook)"
Through colourful stories about Chinese New Year customs (do you know about keeping vigil on New Year's eve and how that relates to grandma?) and hands-on activities like Chinese paper-cut crafts and old-school paper dolls (remember them from the '60s & '70s?), the young can learn about the meaning and importance of this festival.
Unlike other Chinese New Year picture books published in China, Taiwan or Hong Kong, we also included local customs that are specific to Singapore: both parents and kids can enjoy our handy guide to lohei and know exactly what auspicious idioms to say when tossing this lucky salad to usher in Chinese New Year!
Our creation was perfectly aligned to the Singapore National Heritage Board's objectives of championing the development of a vibrant cultural and heritage sector in Singapore, and publication of this book was made possible through the Heritage Industry Incentive Programme.
Brought to you by:
- Tan Sheau Yun, publisher - Chinese culture aficionado and founder of Tong Tong Friendship Store (
- Chua Joo Suan, editor - a passionate educator, she's concerned by children's waning interest in cultural matters in a cosmopolitan Singapore, and is working to bridge this cultural gap.
- Koo Chee Kin, writer - a multi-talented contributor, Mr Koo has written and styled for major magazines.
- Kuan Teck Harn, illustrator/designer - an accomplished illustrator in the advertising and design industries, his creative talent and whimsical style brought this project to life (