blog – racial harmony day

JUL 16, 2018

Living Heritage

At Tong Tong, we want heritage to be alive and relevant, so we prefer to turn them into something we can wear everyday... and continue to bask in amah's warmth. Come take a look at what we have done with beautiful batiks from our region and beyond, and pick out something that speaks to the Southeast Asian soul in you. Our living heritage collection will be available from 17 July 2018.

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JUL 03, 2016

When Samfoo Meets Sarong

What if the samfoo top loses its demure flower-on-the-prairie feel and asserts itself boldly in batiks instead? And what if the samfoo suit parts ways with its pants and is paired with a sarong instead? We invite you to come experience our sartorially re-imagined Nanyang Racial Harmony Day where neighbours of different ethnicities have free access to each other’s closet, swop fabrics and traditions, and emerge richer, wiser, and more interconnected! 

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