
OCT 05, 2016

Tong Tong Turns Ten!

Yes, we've been around for that long :-) To all of you who have stuck with us, we wanna' say a big "THANK YOU!" Our nostalgic collection is available starting this Friday, 7 Oct 2016. Get a 10% discount* (VIPs get 20%) this Friday, Saturday and Monday if you come wearing any Tong Tong outfit!

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JUL 03, 2016

When Samfoo Meets Sarong

What if the samfoo top loses its demure flower-on-the-prairie feel and asserts itself boldly in batiks instead? And what if the samfoo suit parts ways with its pants and is paired with a sarong instead? We invite you to come experience our sartorially re-imagined Nanyang Racial Harmony Day where neighbours of different ethnicities have free access to each other’s closet, swop fabrics and traditions, and emerge richer, wiser, and more interconnected! 

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MAY 06, 2016

Double Happiness

Looking for something for weddings? Tong Tong has a new collection of occasion-wear just for you! We have hues of white & red for a bride to see her through her ROM date, traditional tea ceremony, and wedding ceremony. And something bright but not too loud for family and guests in a variety of silhouettes...

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